Storage Buildings of Birmingham

Portable and site Built Storage Buldings, Garages, Playhouses, and Cabins in Brimingham Alabama

Storage buildings, Detached Garages, Play houses, Cabins, Workshops, Horse stalls, Horse Runs

Brimingham, Alabama - Hoover, Alabama Bessemer, Alabama - Pelham, Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama


Storage Buildings of Birmingham


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Call (205)821-7056

Storage Buildings of Birmingham builds high quality, cost effective storage buildings on your lot in Birmingham, Alabama and surrounding areas. Do you want a portable building. That's no problem. Any of our buildings up to 12' wide can be built on pressure treated skids, making them portable. If you do want the building built on your site, Storage Buildings of Birmingham has affiliates that can deliver you a complete portable building. Contact us and let us know what you want.